I’mma let you finish

You know what?  I like Kanye West.  I like the President too, and I think he was right.  Kanye West was acting like a Jackass.  But Kanye was right, Beyonce had the greatest video of all time.  Well, maybe of all time.  Definitely this year.  I think.  I like Beyonce.  I know nothing about Taylor Swift.

More to the point, however, is that I think it is necessary to act like a jackass from time to time.  Not that it is necessary or appropriate to intentionally harm someone else, but it is not like Kayne was interrupting Paul Krugman’s acceptance speech at the Nobels.  “Yo, yo Paul.  I’m happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Thomas Friedman had one of the best books of all time.”  When you are standing there with a faux silver astronaut in your hand, you aren’t at the bottom but you haven’t reached the pinnacle either, have you?  So being a jackass in that situation is relatively low-impact.

As we learned from Glee last night, making a fool of yourself can loosen you up in some important ways.  Taking myself too seriously is an occupational hazard.  What I do is REALLY IMPORTANT, right?  If it weren’t, I’d go make some real money somewhere else.  Well, maybe it is important.  And I try to be good at it — except when I am blogging at work — but that doesn’t make me all that damn important.  Not so important that I can’t be a jackass from time to time.  Now where is Lady Gaga?  We’ve got a tour to do.