Incredible, edible

Pot-f’in-luck.  Yeah baby.  Too much food, plenty of kids to occupy the youngun, what’s not to like?  Of course, in my post-race torpor, I failed to register that we would need to bring something.  To market, to market, to buy a fat tofu! is my answer.  Tallulah, on the other hand, wants us to bring deviled eggs because “They are always a hit.”

Mind you, she does not eat eggs unless they are baked into something like a cake.  The thought of actually ingesting one of the staples of the southern diet is anathema, but she wants us to bring them and not something store bought.  So out come the eggs and mayonnaise, and a ritualized process begins.

People do compliment me on the deviled eggs when they show up.  While I think that anything with that high of a fat content is likely to be popular, I also hope that the fresh, local eggs, the organic mayo, the fresh ground salt and pepper all make a difference.  I know using them makes a difference to me.  And in the end, it was much more satisfying to show up bearing something made with my own hands than reheated in the grocery store’s bakery oven.

Summer's not over yet ... the finished product on Twitpic

If you click on the picture you can see most of the process.