It’s a simple matter of … ratios

Sanuk D is not a mathematician, but he is the holder of several EULAs of well recognized spreadsheet programs.  This is how I have come to know the importance ratios.  For instance, the proper Propel to water ratio is 1:2.  One Propel evenly divided between two 10 oz Fuel Belt bottles is the perfect mixture for hydrating on long runs without getting the, um, runs – or trots, depending on what you call them .  There is a proprietary process for ensuring that this ratio is properly applied, which I will be happy to share with anyone who purchases $50 or more worth of swag from the Sanuk D store.  (Those who find such shameless commerce distasteful can crap their shorts.)

But I was speaking of ratios.  The proper ratio of adultness to kidness is 2:1.  2:1 means that you can play man-to-man and tag out.  2:2 (or 1:1) still allows for the man-to-man, but there is no resting unless the offense (adults are always on defense) gets a penalty and has to spend time in the penalty box.  1:2, 2:3, and anything greater requires zone defense.  At this point things get complicated, with various stunts and blitzes which are just too much for me.  I prefer to keep it simple and tag out.

This is all good until someone goes on the injured reserve, as my Sweet Lady has done for the past couple of days.  Not only have I refreshed my respect for single parents, I have run smack up against my own limits.  The “friend” who got me into running used to call such periods of high activity “going anaerobic” which fits pretty well.  The most important things for me to remember are: a) I’m not the sick one and b) even though my thighs are screaming “STOP,” there is a lot more energy in there.  If I will keep a steady pace going — even one slower than I had hoped — we will reach the finish line.   I have been told that there is a potluck waiting.