It’s not the money

it’s the stuff.  Or so says Bernadette Peters in “The Jerk.”  So why were we so excited to find out today that the grant had been awarded to us?  There is a sense of validation.  They like us, they really like us!  There is also the sense of relief because the pressure is off.  There is money in the coffers.  Funny thing is, it is easier to go forward when that pressure is off rather than on.  And it is exciting.  We tried something and it worked this time.

It’s not about the money.  It can’t be about the money because it will never be enough.  But if we want a sign of how we are doing, money is a good way to measure it.  Better yet, how many times have we succeeded in doing what we set out to do in the first place?  Do we know where we want to go?  Are we making progress in that direction?  Getting the money is like following through on the swing of a bat or a club or a bowl and then seeing the ball go right where it was supposed to go.  It’s a very concrete thing.  But that’s not really what it is about.