Live blogging: Teddy Faire ’09

Tallulah is celebrating her birthday with a teddy bear making party. Since I am sure you don’t want to miss any of the action, I will be regularly updating this post starting at 3:30 pm EST. Since this event was first announced, there has been a great deal of buzz on the Internet about it. Now the time is drawing close for Teddy Faire ’09. Are you ready?

3:15 Everything is set for TF ’09. Just waiting for guests. Predicted weather has not manefested so we are gtg.

3:45 About half our folks are here. Waiting for a couple more, then we’ll rock some stuffing.

4:00 These dismembered bear heads are a little creapy but the kids don’t seem to notice.

4:20 This party just got to the next level, yo. Decorating bear shirts.

4:40 Cupcake time! Thanks Short Street Cakes. Om nom nom nom nom nom.

5:00 Presents are open. Groovy Girl doll is a hit. Thank God there are no Bratz.

5:20 The adoptions went well. All bears are now documented. So the Mumpower.

5:30 The party’s over. There are still a couple of cupcakes left if you want one.