Mixed up

At my height, I would have taken on Rob Gordon when it came to mixed tapes.  No two songs by the same artist on the same side.  Another song by the same artist on the other side which is consistent with the theme of the side is a bonus.  Keeping the mood right is essential.  A la Rob,  grab them early, then cool things off and finish big.  Throw in a hidden track.  My mixed tapes were awesome.
Kids today have no idea.  What do you do?  Share a playlist on Ping?  I don’t think that’s the same thing.  DJs still share mixed tapes, although I’m not sure they mean the same thing when they say “mixed tape” that I mean when I say “mixed tape.”  Anyway, if you are feeling low on house music, here is a brand new mixed tape for you.

One Reply to “Mixed up”

  1. mini-me could mix a great mix-CD back in the day. or, like, a year or two ago. she did the same grab-glide-big finish you describe and could hide a track with the best of them.


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