One for the cutters.

We all drink from wells dug by others.  We all run on courses another has mapped.  It’s hard to appreciate just how difficult it can be to dig a well until you have dug one yourself.  It’s easy to underestimate the amount of work that goes into putting on a good running race until you have been a part of one.  Just getting the route set can be a daunting task.  Once you know the route, communicating it to others can be it’s own challenge.  And yes, it is 3.1 miles.  No, I don’t give a damn what your GPS says.

Not being a monastic, I am rarely up at 5am.  It does seem to be good for the soul, this rising early.  Not so good that I’m going to do it everyday, but pretty good.  Fill water buckets: check.  Post traffic signs: check.  Set up sound system: check.  Everything else will work it’s self out, but the music is critical.  Every good race deserves a good playlist.  Every good race deserves runners in the volunteer corps.

Good races do not need fancy medals.  Good races do not need chip timing.  Good races do not require Gatorade.  Depending on how long they are and how many people run them.  What good races need are people who are passionate about running.  Good races need people who care about whether or not the runners have a good time.  All the runners.  Good races should make runners feel like they are not just out there by themselves but that there is a community of people who share their passion.  I’ve been lucky to have run a few really good races, and I hope to have returned at least a few of these elements to the people who run.