Jesus will be ok, but he’s not fine at all. Because he knows that Judas will remember. Judas will think back to the time when their work together began, not so long ago in Galilee. Judas will hold on to that memory like a talisman, like a scarf that is not big enough to keep him warm but carries the scent of the one who warmed his heart.
Well, here we are on Tuesday of Holy Week. The plan had been to blog every day on the gospel according to T. Swift. That hasn’t happened. But I have often said to those who are struggling with imperfection that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. So here we go.
Yesterday afternoon I was spending time with a few friends, and as is often the case these days, it had been a minute since we […] Read More
Sometime in the late 2000’s, while I attended the Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, we were preparing for a visit from Bishop Gene Robinson. […] Read More