Play it Steve!

If I’m going to get a iPad, I’m going to need a bigger house.  And Apple is going to have to get a chief designer who does not sound like Nigel Tufnel.  “This new device is great. It goes to eleven.”  Are we really supposed to take him seriously?  Now, the big pimpled engineer dude on the intro video gets my vote.  I believe he spent 22 hours of every day during the last 27 months figuring out how to make the user interface to kick ass.  That guy is method.

So, when I picture myself on the deck, having run 12 miles on the trails that afternoon, sipping an anti-oxidant rich spritzer as the brie softens, I picture myself with the iPad catching up on the day’s events.  Later that night, after a few rounds of 9 ball in the billiard room, Tallulah’s in bed and I’m googling the You Tube for some great Will Farrell classics.  Rising the next morning, I read my book in the breakfast nook before heading to the library to answer email.  All on the iPad, of course.  My 4,500 square foot house is rivaled only by the iPad when it comes to fucking rocking out.

But I don’t have 4,500 square feet.  I have 1,311.  They are happy square feet.  I do not need a remote the size of a leftover pizza box to navigate them.  As much as I can freely roam with the laptop, it always stays right here.  The only thing it does not have which I could use is a camera.  Maybe that is a good reason to pick up an iPad.  Oh, wait.

2 Replies to “Play it Steve!

  1. Glad to know that happiness is not measured by square feet, Sanuk. If others had followed such wisdom, our collective stress level would be much lower.

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