Righteousness and peace have kissed

“Affection as the essential principle of relatedness is of the greatest importance in all relationships in the world. For the union of heaven and earth is the origin of the whole of nature. Among human beings likewise, spontaneous affection is the all-inclusive principle of union.” – I Ching 54

Dawn spread her rosey fingers across a clear Carolina sky this morning.  Having tasted the bitter fruit of Sumatra, I laced up the spirit animators for the first of my longer mid-week runs in preparation for the Flying Monkey.  Neko Case has, finally, begun to be part of my musical vocabulary.  It’s not that she lacks anything in talent or performance, but I have been slow to integrate her into my listening.  The iTunes’ shuffle began this morning with “Magpie to the Morning” which could not have been surpassed yet was well followed by Nina Simone’s “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”, Professor Longhair’s “Junco Partner” and so forth.  Though I doubted early on, the 6 miles began to glide by in a re-acquaintence with my form of old.

Returning I found Sweet Darlin’ awake and the dog ready for a short walk.  A couple of small, pleasent tasks later I was in the girl’s room to try my hand at rousing her.  Much to my surprise a soft invitation to come have breakfast with Daddy succeeded where countless haranges have failed.  While the elements of this meal were simple, the effect was almost overwhelming for me.  My fresh coffee and scrambled eggs were joined by a coffee cake made last night by the darlins, sweet and little.  A blackberry and peach concoction (made with local ingredients) with just the right texture of strussel on top, this is the type of breakfast you would hope for at the Swag.  To be with my family at this meal in this place I love was so beautiful and unexpected that I can not imagine a better moment.

Marriage is not always like this, nor is parenthood or running or cooking.  I have quit expecting every moment of each to be as special as these.  What I hope to do instead is stay awake enough to enjoy them when they do happen, for that little moment when grace comes to reside in a lifted fork or shared smile.