Rockin’ my peers and puttin’ sucka’s in fear

Sometimes the legs loose confidence.  Sometimes they become intimidated.  Heat can do this, and height can do this.  Most of the time, though, they get nervous because they do not get used.  In just a few days, the legs can forget that they can do all of the things you know they can do.  Run far, climb high, and go fast.  Or two out of three isn’t bad.  I’ll take far and high.

Today was a day to remind the legs of what they can do.  I left Club Dub about 9:00.  It took me 18 minutes to go two blocks.  Or miles.  Whatever.  Channeling James Taylor there.  Anyway, I was running a bit slower than I normally do, on purpose.  It was hot for God’s sake and I did not want to be left totally depleted on the course.  The legs needed nurture.  This of course means running to the highest point I could reasonably find.  Maybe like the top of Sunset Mountain.  The benefit to this being that the higher you go, the cooler it gets.

Not a lot cooler, mind you, but cool enough.  5 or 8 degrees makes a big difference.  It was tempting to push harder, to push faster.  But that was not on today’s agenda.  Reach the top.  Enjoy the run.  I crested the peak about an hour after I started.  The far side is a gravel road shrouded by trees.  A few spots are definitely hillbilly to this day.  I drifted between switchbacks and glimpsed long views through holes in the canopy.  The office called at one point, but I was in no position to answer.  I’d do that at the bottom of the hill.

I wanted “TB Sheets” to finish first.  Then at the bottom of the hill, there was “Suspicious Minds.”  After that came the all time greatest late-in-the-run song: “Jessica.”  Chuck Lavelle’s piano solo is like nothing else when it comes to inspiring a pace.  Then there was a swing through the historic district, a wave at the trolly tour, and a fist pump for a friend.  Too many things to accomplish on this run.  Especially including a reminder to the legs that we can do this.  July 10 is rapidly approaching.  We will be ready.