
04:00 – Sanuk D awakes to find that Thunder the Wonder Dog has shat in his crate. Again. This has been an ongoing occurrence since the Seven Pound Mound of Hound went under anesthesia for teeth cleaning / removal at the beginning of the week.  Not cool.

04:30 – Sanuk D wonders if he will get back to sleep before the alarm. He ponders what he will do with the extra hour or so of awake time. Dreams of running in the pre-dawn stillness fill his head as he drifts off.

06:15 – Sanuk D awakes! 45 minutes later than anticipated! The shirt he needed to iron for the day still hangs wrinkled in the closet. Bollix! He eats and dresses in a wrinkled shirt, safe in the knowledge that at lunch with his boss, he will still look better dressed.

11:30 – Sanuk D realizes that it is getting awfully close to that lunch appointment time.  He goes to find the boss.  Alack! The boss left much earlier to run errands and go to the meeting.  He calls the boss’s cell phone (always off, operator cannot retrieve voicemail.)  No use.  He has been forgotten.  Sanuk D decides to attend the meeting which he had decided to forgo in order to attend the meeting with the boss.

11:55 – Sanuk D arrives at meeting, gas tank light on yellow.  He makes surprise contact with @UkuleleRockstar!  Lunch is served.  Promised vegetarian entrée never arrives, but this is more than compensated for by the glow of camaraderie from his professional cohort.  Sanuk D ponders the vicissitudes of life.

13:50 – Sanuk D fills his gas tank and buys some Combos.  He drives back to work grateful for a car that has value far beyond the monetary.  On arriving at the office, he learns that “Fight Club” is being shipped by Netflix.  His Sweet Lady and Tallulah will be absent on Friday.  It’s on.

16:30 – Sanuk D realizes that it has grown relatively late.  He notes a few loose ends and plans to take them on first thing in the morning.  More has been accomplished than he expected, but not as much as he had hoped.  Time for a short run.

17:43 – Sanuk D, having completed a better than expected run, travels north on South French Broad avenue.  Stopped behind a Jeep at a red light, he is curious about the man doing a traffic study on the corner.  Right there, next to the prostitute.  The Jeep turns right.  Sanuk D proceeds straight.  He fails to notice that the light has not actually turned green.  Sanuk D contemplates the vicissitudes of life.  He is glad his stupidity has not killed or injured anyone. He will be very grateful for the caring and generosity of his Sweet Lady and Tallulah when they arrive to take him home.

RIP The Sube. Probably.

3 Replies to “Samsara

  1. bummer.

    some possible solutions:

    get a new door, but of a different color. install it yourself.

    put an appy trail sticker over the boo-boo. a really big appy trail sticker.

    when people say, what happened to your car? you say, OMG i have no idea!!!!

    leave the gash. spray paint “prostitution did this!” across it.

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