Smeagol loves the widget

Yes, he does, my precious. This survey widget is working out pretty well, wouldn’t you agree? If the code appears in more than one post, the widget appears in the most current post on that page. If you go to one of the earlier post’s archive pages, then you will find that the widget — tah dah! — appears. Good widget!

So, apparently you are busy like me at the moment. That is why you have not taken my little quiz. Do you think “Seriously, who wants a hairy Smeagol? Smeagol should be smooth, right?” Or do you say, “Who is this Smeagol anyway? You should be a monkey, a flying monkey, with plenty of hair. GOOD GOD MAN! ”

The tapering seems to be working. Although I feel fat, and that may be the cookies talking, the legs feel strong. As long as I don’t look at the course map again, I should be fine. “Fine” being a relative term for someone who is pretty sure he will vomit within the next five to seven days. What do you think, would a good clean shave make me more prepared for the Flying Monkey?

[polldaddy poll=2259635]