Sotto voce

There is a singer whose voice I know I would recognize just as soon as I heard it.  It blew me away for three weeks last fall, and when I asked who was playing over the sound system in the coffee shop it was someone I had heard of.  So I forgot who it was, and now I can’t remember what his voice sounded like other than that I liked it for being unusual in an accessible way.

Now that it is almost February, I could use the unusual voice.  Maybe it’s the dark and maybe the cold.  Winter is the time to listen to music.  I’ve got good music.  New music.  Music they won’t play on WNCW, but what the hell do they know anyway?  Enough to stay in business for damn near twenty years or maybe more.  So what?  I’ve got a voice from three weeks last fall in my head if only I could remember what it sounds like.