Surrender to Sangha

At first there was the plan, and the plan was good.  Sanuk D looked at the plan and said, “That’s good.”  Others looked at the plan and said, “you’re nuts.”  Sanuk D heard these things and pondered them in his heart.  “Why should it be wrong to rise at 5:30am, run 13.1 miles over 1,000 feet of elevation change, and then go work for 10 hours?  What could possibly go wrong?”  The universe has ways of letting us know that plans will not be fulfilled.  God kicks in ever increasing shoe sizes.

My shoes will not be gracing the course of the Asheville Half-Marathon tomorrow.  That would just be a stupid idea.  It was fun / dumb to begin with, but now it’s just stupid / dumb.  I am surrendering to the way with this one.  My plan’s downfall came with the interruption of a larger plan.  We had planned to keep my car until my Sweet Lady’s car was paid off.  That’s not going to happen either.  It seems as if I might not be in charge of how these plans will or will not be fulfilled.

Which leaves me with a choice, be pissed or be grateful.  It would be easy to be pissed, so why not do the nutjob routine and be grateful.  For what, you ask?  For not being incarcerated would be a good start.  Not that I came close to that this week, but not being in jail is nice.  Not being injured. Das is goot.  Not walking around wondering if the lie I told to the cop is going to unravel (ie: having told the truth.)  This is good.  For as poor as this week has been in some ways, it has been redeemed in others with newly made connections and rekindled old ones.  And in the process, I have been treated and been able to treat people I know and people I do not know with dignity and respect and even sometimes love.

So now I get to watch Fight Club and eat pizza in a house I have all to myself.  The universe does reward us!