The lot fell to Matthias

So, apparently giving up the Savior to be crucified will get you kicked out of the Apostles.  Maybe the thought of having to go around explaining to everyone that he was the original 12th Apostle is what made Judas go hang himself.  Or maybe he was second guessing the whole thing with the kiss.  In any event, Peter hates prime numbers, so off to the elections we go.  One wonders what sort of campaigning went on to get that 12th seat.

David Plouffe do whatever you will, there is little you can do when the election comes down to throwing dice.  Sky Masterson is more your man there.  Whatever he had going for him, Joseph Barsabbas was no match for Matthias’ lucky roll.  Maybe it was lucky.  Apostles fair worse than Soviet Premiers when it comes to longevity.  Matthias wound up dead in Georgia.  Not that Georgia, the other Georgia.  At least he was crucified right side up.

This is the day that we remember Matthias, poor boy.  He kind of got the dregs of everything.  He’s patron of Gary, Indiana, (Gary Indiana Gary Indiana) and the greater Great Falls – Billings area in Montana.  He also has carpenters, tailors, and smallpox.  One can only assume the three bear no relation.  Matthias also has alcoholism, although it’s not clear if that means practicing or recovering.  Either way, it gives the whole dieing in Georgia thing some context.  So lift a glass tonight for our good brother Matthias.