There is no Esperanto filter on Google Translator

You should feel a little sorry for the French. They, after all, were the big losers in terms of globalization of everything, “” thing. Of course, one could say they had their day. The Code Napoleon. Lingua Franca. Passports U.S. French still on them, but you can only use up to these and new areas of the printer. do not know.

My point is this: Making sure every child receives a team trophy, so why not throw a bone to the French? We did it for the Spanish speaking world. Spanglish is not just an Adam Sandler vehicle regrettable know. That’s real. Our way of saying, “Hey Spanish speakers! You’re on your computer, here is your trophy!” So, let’s give a little height of 3 inches of plastic and fake marble for the French-speaking world, whereas we’re at it.

They give us soft cheeses and epic bicycle racing, give them Sfranglish. And I’m not just talking about Zac Efron vehicle unhappy people here. I speak of mutually assured destruction of three languages and associated cultural heritage in the octagon inclusion. Adding insult to injury by words and phrases incorrectly condescension until they acquire a new meaning.

To show what might seem, this post was passed through the filter very Sfranglish Google Translator. It is a right little uncomfortable, because now he has to go English-French-Spanish-English, but I’m sure the guys from Mountain View straightening soon. Until then, keep the dream alive!

(Here is this post in the original English:

You have to feel a little bit sorry for the French. They have, after all, been the big losers when it comes to the whole “globalization” thing. Sure, one could argue that they had their day. The Code Napoleon. Lingua Franca. American passports still have French on them, but that may just be until they use these ones up and have to order new blanks from the printer. I don’t know.

My point is this: we make sure every kid on the team gets a trophy, so why not throw a bone to the French? We have done it for the Spanish-speaking world. Spanglish is not just an ill-fated Adam Sandler vehicle you know. It’s a real thing. Our way of saying, “Hey Spanish speakers! You’re on the team! Here’s your trophy!” So let’s give a 3 inch tall hunk of plastic and fake marble to the French speaking world while we are at it.

They give us soft cheeses and epic bike races, so we should give them Sfranglish. And I’m not just talking about an ill-fated Zac Efron vehicle here people. I’m talking about the mutually assured destruction of three languages and their associated cultural heritages in the octagon of inclusiveness. Let’s add insult to injury by patronizingly using words and phrases incorrectly until they take on whole new meanings.

To show you what this might look like, this very post has been run through the Sfranglish filter on Google Translator. It’s a little clunky right now because you have to go English-French-Spanish-English, but I’m sure the boys in Mountain View will get it straightened out soon enough. Until then, keep the dreams alive!)