This indecision’s bugging me

Lots of runners on the streets of Altamont this evening. 72 degrees in the middle of November explains a lot of it. Since I typically run at lunch time, being out at 5:00 probably shows me a whole new set of runners. Some were taking it easy, others were hard core, and a third group were just trying to be. Where did your’s truly fall? Fortunately there is no poll for that today.

Speaking of polls, yesterday’s is still wide open. Yes, you really can comment on whether or not I should shave my legs. Yes, I really will do what the majority of respondents suggest. I’m even considering a contest by which you could become the owner of at least some of this fur. A lock of Elvis Presley’s hair recently sold for over £1,000. And you know I’m more famous than Whatsis. So come on now and vote for big and bearish or smooth and silky.

[polldaddy poll=2259635]