Thoughts on the revolution

So, I have been trying to keep myself from becoming transfixed by the healthcare debate.  It is quite a spectical what with the shouting and the shrugging and all sorts of talking at each other but not really to each other.  I broke down and read this right wing blog post a friend had recommended.  While my first inclination was to set about systematically pointing out the logical inconsistencies and gratutitous ad hominem attacks, I felt sure that such a rant on my part would a) fall short of the mark I set for it and b) only serve to get me worked up without proving anything to anybody.  Reading it did make me think about all the stuff I read during the previous administration, pieces which I knew to be crap but gave them a pretty wide berth because I basically agreed with the premise the author was working from.  The world did not end during that administration and I have my doubts it will end during this one either.  What surprises me is that, although in reality we are separated by very small opinion gaps, we feel so estranged from one another and our leaders in this country.

I am not saying I have answers here.  One would hope, however, that relatively few of us go looking for answers soley at the Hummer and firearms dealer in St. Louis. Now there is a brother who is keeping it REAL.  And I can imagine that it would be fun to shoot tin cans of the heads of hapless peak oil geeks from the comfort of the backseat of my H3.  “This is how we roll in the Mizzou, pencil neck!”  Ok, not really off the heads of people.  That would be dangerous.  The combo would definitely come in handy when the proletariat stages its uprising.  The Dster is clearly bourgeouis, so he will be needing the ridicoulously large vehicle and accompanying Glock when the revoluntion comes.