Through the goalposts of life

As spontaneous posing goes, I have to admit to being something of an amateur. Sure, I’ve been known to throw up a Heisman in the office from time to time. Strike a pose, come on and Vogue on the dance floor. I’ll do a bit of gansta sign smooshie mouth thing from time to time when I have had too much or not enough coffee. I have not, however, Tebowed. For that matter, I have not even planked.

And planking I do find funny, if done well. Planking on the grass is really kind of lame, but the guy who planked between two overhead bins in a plane, now that was creative. And, yes, it could have been a girl and not a guy planking in that situation. Sorry. I’m not sorry for finding Tebowing also quite funny if done in a pretty much mocking way. Because, let’s face it, God does not care if the Broncos win.

At least I’m pretty sure of that. I played some organized football as a kid, and I don’t remember ever seeing a play that involved divine intervention. Given that I grew up in the land that gave us the “Covered In Prayer” Snuggie then you would think I would have heard of it from Mr. Burns in Jr. Pro Football. So enough already with the claims of Jehovah’s almighty hand guiding the ball to Willis McGahee or directing Timmy to keep it on the option.

The bigger topic of conversation behind the Pearly Gates surely has Auguste Rodin and the Anointed One discussing why the Rodin museum is not getting any royalties off of the Tebow Train. The pose is, after all, clearly modeled on “The Thinker.” At least now we know what he is thinking about, “how the hell am I going to convince John Elway to pick me up on a 5-year, 50 mil contract?”