Turn around

This is the ninth anniversary of the night that I first started reading Harry Potter. I’ve never finished the series, but not for lack of being interested or respecting the writing.  it’s just that things got busy.  thing is, my sweet lady was going into labor somewhere around this time nine years ago.

Word from the doctor was that nothing was going to really get going until the following morning.  so I took a sleeping pill and cracked open an interesting book.  of course, the doctor did not know a damn thing. Engrossed and dazed as I was, I failed to fully appreciate the distress of the soon to be mother of my child until she asked me to put down the Harry Potter and help. Perhaps this demonstration of the love of reading made an impact on Tallulah in media birthus.

In any event, she will be nine tomorrow. The last year of single digits. I am excited to see her grow and do amazing things. Or things that are amazing to someone who knew her before she could hold her own head up. But I also don’t want her to get big, to become independent, to live in her own world. It’s all happening too fast.

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