What is the best song for dancing in your undies?

The term “brick” might be a little harsh, because most bricks do not have  a shiny front cover or 10 USB ports.  Not that it will get you anywhere if you plug your touchy into one of said universal serial bus ports, but you can get nowhere with 10 different devices.  More if you add a hub!

I have to say that I looked good with the computer guts all laid out there on the dining room table.  Sexy as hell.  Not at all like my father with his glasses sliding down his face as he struggled to solder some ham radio equipment back together.  No, I was more like me and Elvis at 15 and 17, respectively, soldering home stereo speakers into the rear channel of a Sony tape deck in a 1982 Diesel Chevette.  It would be a while before either of us became a man.

In any event, the news is not good for my expert home repair project.  Not because I did not treat my diagnosis correctly, but because I failed to make a correct diagnosis.  Therein lies the rub.  Now as I consider the next step, I am exploring the possibility of purchasing a “Cool Master Gemini II” or an “Ultra ChillMaster Silver.”  Just the names alone fill me with geekish shame and self-loathing.  Let’s not discuss my fantasies involving the one with the LED that makes it glow orange.