Where’s the naked guys these days anyway?

One of the things to love about Thailand (and Thailand needs the love at the moment) is that, by and large, they are very welcoming to outsiders.  The term “farang” means “not from around here” but it has no judgement attached.  Not like saying “furriner” in Altamont.  I happen to be a furriner in Altamont, or at least a farang.  Like many people, I came here from somewhere else.  It was almost 20 years ago now, but still, I did not grow up here.  I have been here long enough to remember downtown before it was a place that could attract a vacationing POTUS.  Sometimes I forget just how fun, fantastic, and weird our town is.  For people who don’t live here, it might be hard to believe that these scenes spontaneously happen.  None of the videos below were staged.  How could you possibly?  The drum circle, by the way, has the best people watching ever.