Why, oh why, did I not do this earlier

Early last week, the intertubes in my office got so slow, I was considering asking if I could have dial-up connection instead. It was so slow, Nell Carter could have beaten it in the 100 yard dash. If a new ketchup bottle were to be opened at the same time you opened Firefox, the fries would have ketchup long before Google’s homepage loaded. This was a slow connection, people.

The emails were coming in slowly as well, but one could attribute that as much to my spending too much time blogging and not enough working. They seemed to speed up a bit, and Tweetdeck got running pretty good as well. Much of the interweb was loading just fine too, if not quite as snappy as before. Facebook continued to be a disaster which meant, essentially, that everything was a disaster.

This morning, it occurred to me that there are choices other than Firefox for my .html needs. As much as I love chrome and safari at home, why was I not using them at work? Somehow, it just had slipped my mind or otherwise seemed impractical. Don’t ask why because I don’t know.

So, I loaded up Chrome and guess what? It works like a friggin charm. Fast, efficient, and reliable. Even better, iGoogle looks really good in Chrome. Go figure.

So, here on the Friday before Labor Day weekend, my surfing issues are resolved. What to fixate on now to the detriment of the paying gig?