You are totally bumming me out

Reader: “Dude, what’s up with those last two posts?”

Me: “Just keeping it real, you know, like Cecil.”

R: “What the hell?”

M: “It’s an Altamont thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

R: “No, seriously, what’s been up your ass the last couple of days?”

M: “I want to be taken seriously.  You know, like Drudge.”

R: “Drudge is a schmuck.”

M: “Well, ok, like, hell I don’t know.  Why are you bothering me?”

R: “Because you asked.”

M: “When did I ask you to come over here and ream me out?”

R: “When you tweeted your posts.”

M: “Oh, yeah. I need to take that feed off Hootsuite.”

R: “Well, either do that or quit bumming the shit out of me.”

M: “Ok, sorry. It’s just that its been kind of dark and rainy, and plus I have to do everything at home until my Sweet Lady gets better. Oh, and my boss is kind of freaking out a little.”

R: “Why, because you sit around and blog at work all day?”

M: “Do not.”

R: “Hootsuite?”

M: “Ok, but my life is hard so back off.”

R: “Darfur hard or Lohan hard?”

M: ” Well, ….”

R: “Just lighten up, that’s all I’m saying.”

M: “Ok dude.”

R: “Fuck it, let’s go bowl.”