Amway of the persona

It may come as a shock to find out that I am an extroverted person.  The thing that is really shocking is that I used to think of myself as introverted.  That was basically because I had extroverted tendencies but was afraid of people.  Kind of a hard place to be, huh?  I thought the answer was to figure out what people wanted and to give it to them.  The obvious problem is in trying to give something away which one does not possess.

With all humility, I have been able to be a lot of things to a lot of people, but definitely not all things to all people.   It kind of shows.  That’s especially true when a person has a pretty good bullshit filter, which I can sense.  It used to be hard to figure out what to do with these people.  At some point, however, I realized that the answer is simple: don’t bullshit.

Ok, that’s not so simple either because it comes so naturally.  Being full of it, I have to keep on guard against spreading it around.  Low and behold, when I’m not engaged in a personality pyramid scheme, I actually get to know people.  And they get to know me, which is scary as hell but most of the time it works out fine.  When it doesn’t, that’s ok too because at least I’m not having to try so hard.