Bikram says


I think I might be coming down with something. Or fighting something like a cold or mono from 9th grade. Can mono stick around that long? If I have mono, I’m blaming it on the ninth grade. Wait, no. Tenth. Please don’t push me to be specific since I am clearly ill. The illness is not indicated by the fact that I regularly and willingly get up at 5am to sweat in a room full of strangers – or some strangers and some people I know who are strange. Part of the illness comes through in the fact that it is in many ways easier for me to do what’s shown above than what is shown below.


That’s a yoga place in Scotland, Bee Tee Dubs, where they appear to heat the room with a wood stove. Awesome, except when you fall backwards out of awkward pose. AWKWARD! Anyway, forward bends make me slightly nauseated and seem to irritate my thyroid glands. (Do you have two?) Point being, it doesn’t always happen, so I think there are toxins in there being squeezed out. Either that, or my obsession with Mayfield ice cream’s Brown Cow has expanded my waistline to the point of making any forward bending uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean I have to stop eating the ice cream, does it?