Cee Lo Green covered that Band of Horses song

Did you know that before la Face there was this thing called “MySpace”?  Even before that there was “Friendster” but nobody uses that thing anymore.  Nowadays only musicians and pedophiles use MySpace, which makes me very nervous to go there and listen to music.  But what are you going to do?  All the cool kids are putting their music on the SpaceBook thing.  So off I go to hear what the kids are listening to too.

And even just listening to music makes me feel a little weird on the MySpace.  Let’s be honest here.  I drive a station wagon.  No amount of stickers and bike racks will hide the fact that it’s      a       station        wagon.  I’m ok with that because I like the cargo room, but “cargo room” as a criterium for liking a vehicle is wack old guy stuff.  It is also a fact that I can legitimately be termed as “pushing 40.”  Corollary to that is that I have a sibling who could legitimately be termed as “pushing 50.”  No, not you.  The old one.

So anyway, I’m very excited about the ole Moogfest and what it means for Asheville, but let’s face it, The Silos are not playing.  The Silos might possibly represent my coolest point in music being on the cuspness.  They are, I think, still driving around Indiana in a van playing college towns.  I’m sure they sound great when they play.  I still like that album with the bird on the front.  But that does not make me a music maven.  I don’t know who most of these people are who are performing at the Moogfest, but I’m glad they are coming.  Getting us on the Moogle Map, as it twere.  Plus it gives me a reason to go surf around the SpacePlaceFace or whatever that thing is called.

3 Replies to “Cee Lo Green covered that Band of Horses song

  1. I don’t know any of the Moog Fest bands except Devo! And I don’t drive I station wagon, I’m actually in a touring band!

    I could blame it the fact that these bands are not in my genre, but alas I think because of my age.

    I’m embracing my grown-up “rockstar” status, though.

    1. I’ll bet you have made a decision about a car purchase based on cargo space, though. Am I right?

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