The Wootman Cometh

Boy howdy, this has been a week, has it not kiddos?  Rosanne Cash tweeted earlier in the week that she believes the moon is in the house of feces.  Yes, Rosanne Cash tweets at @rosannecash, and she is a darn interesting twitterer if you ask me.  It doesn’t hurt that I have heard her music before.  Of course, she is not playing Moogfest.  Well, she hasn’t announced that she is playing Moogfest yet.  The moral of the digression is that you should follow Rosanne Cash.

Because she knows a crazy week when she sees one.  And this is one.  If I may be so bold, I have been kicking ass this week.  Getting lots of stuff done that needed doing, but whether I am delivering or receiving the kicking of the ass, it seems to take a toll these days.  It feels good to have gotten so much done, but it feels even better that I don’t have to do any more for a couple of days.

So what to do but geek out?  I had been shopping netbooks for some time and had decided on a price that would represent “cheap” and a brand that would, well, represent.  That would be ASUS.  So there was an “Asus” for “cheep” on “Woot” last “Sunday” and I “went for it.”  My Sweet Lady took it well.  She even nods her head and smiles when I say that this is a critical piece of what we will need for our trip to Israel.  “Yeah, right, whatever” she thinks.  But she does not insist that I send it back.  She loves me.

So far I like the netbook.  It has Windows 7 which I could care less about.  I’d go straight to a Linux installation but I want to make sure the touchpad and webcam work.  Perhaps I am being a sissy.  Doesn’t matter because so far everything works pretty well.  The screen is very clear and the keyboard is nicely sized.  I figured out how to make the screen scroll using the touchpad.  That’s all in one night.

Plus I started to edit my conversation with GrimeDog Mallory McDuff.  (Get it? McGruff, the Crime Dog fought crime.  McDuff the Grime Dog fights environmental degredation.  Get it?)  It was a great conversation and a fabulous way to start the weekend. I hope that will come through on the podcast, which should be up tomorrow or maybe Sunday.  We had a lovely run after as well.  Stay tuned.