Darlin’ I guess my mind’s more at ease

It’s my b-day! (he said in his best understated Michael Cera, which is to say pretty much his voice but turned down just a little bit.) I’m pretty psyched that it’s my 40th birthday, and not just for the presents. The presents are pretty good, but I’m not just talking about those. Or maybe I am. I don’t know, but it goes a little something like this: I’m not going to get it all done.

Did I make this point already? I kind of think I did, but it bears repeating.

Yes, it does!

You kids settle down and listen to an old man. Because here’s the thing: I’m not going to be president. Sorry. I know you were hoping that I would be the first non-stereoscopic American to occupy the Oval Office. The fact is that I can’t do that because Thomas Jefferson had a wandering eye. At least that’s what I heard. Anyway, since he was President and invented the mould board plow, he took all the good “firsts.” Forget him! and forget being president!

Thank God!

Really, say “Thanks God!” Or “Shiva!” Or “Buddha!” or “Cold void of science from which we arrived by chance and to which we will return in shame and misery!” if that’s your thing. Anyway, my point is that we all just gained a lot of time and mental space because I don’t have to run for President anymore. Nor, as I pointed out before” do I have to become a bike mechanic. Or recording engineer. Or fancy beard wearer (although I’m going to reserve the right to circle back on that one.)

I have a friend who likes to talk about how the road narrows as we go along. I used to think that just applied to what we felt comfortable with what we allowed ourselves to get away with morally and ethically. I still think that’s true, but I also think that the road narrows in terms of the things we think we have to get done. I’m 40. I’m not going to get it all done. Some of it wasn’t all that important to begin with. So I’m just not going to worry about getting around to that.

2 Replies to “Darlin’ I guess my mind’s more at ease

  1. Kind of freeing, isn’t it. Welcome to the 40’s. I hope I left them in good shape.

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