
I went back to Club Dub today. There is a Groupon on right now for two months for $25. That’s hard to beat. I was paying Weight Watchers $50 a month for the privilege of not going to the meetings and not using the app. It’s not Weight Watcher’s fault. It’s been kind of a month for me. Not just me, but including me. In any event, Weight Watchers did not catch on.

Club Dub caught on with me. A year or two ago, I was a regular and everybody knew my name. Seriously, they would shout “Norm!” when I walked in the door. They were so friendly and eager to please that I did not want to embarrass them by telling them my name is not Norm. Some of my best friends are Norm, so what does it matter anyway?

What matters is that I go. Exercise does not work if I don’t do it. Having learned what works, I promptly stopped. Why? I don’t know. St. Paul’s guess in the letter to the Romans is as good as mine: “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing that I hate.” Clearly this man has made a 2:00 Zingers run while knowingly lying to himself that he will run at 5. Who runs at 5 when you’re all hung over from that sugar and caffeine at 2?

Did I just share too much?

Doesn’t matter. I’m going to try what worked before and see if it doesn’t work again. Because if you keep on doing what you always did, you’ll keep on getting what you always got. Good things are that way too.