Get lost

The printer came back with an error that was something to the effect of “What? are you printing a book over here?”  Stupid printer.  Next thing you know some naked dude from the future is going to show up in my office wielding a .45 with laser sighting.  I’m just trying to tie things up before going on this trip.  If fact things were more or less tied up on last Tuesday, so you can imagine the model of productivity that has been Sanuk D today.

But running through several reams of paper in order to fold, stuff, stamp, and seal is a fairly painless way to get to where we want to be.  Which is, of course, gone and relatively free of that lingering feeling that somebody left the stove on.  Given that we have a gas stove, that is fairly unlikely to happen.  It’s sort of hard to miss a bright blue open flame right there on top of the counter.  And if we do leave it on, what are we going to do about it anyway.

Which is the thing I don’t really get about those commercials for the home security systems that promise you peace of mind.  Isn’t it easier and cheaper to just say “screw it”?  I mean, if you out in the middle of a Canadian lake, what good does it do you to know that your house just got broken into?  What are you really going to do at that point?  Of course, studied ignorance of events will not keep me from using the free wi-fi on the flight.  It will just keep me from using if for anything verging on usefulness.