Got to be a joker, he just do what he please

Loyal readers are well aware of what a busy guy I am.  In demand.  Much sought after.  Lots of irons in the fire.  Busy.  Mostly in my head most of the time.  That’s what I tell myself to justify douchey behavior on my part.  Expedience being key.  That is until I actually get busy, by which I do not mean having to go to work AGAIN on Tuesday.  What I mean is missing one phone call because I was on the phone with someone else and there are five more calls and God only knows how many emails to contend with.

Such has been the sitch for pretty much two or three weeks now.  That’s fine because it means the things we are trying to do at work are, well, working, but I also wind up being unintentionally douchey.  Intentional douchiness is, apparently, ok in my mental calculus but unintentional douchiness is not.  Which has a certain kind of logic, I guess, but I can be much more acceptable of the latter in another person while the former is, well, douchey.

What’s to be done?  I am not so sure.  All things pas, and this too shall.  One day in the not too distant future, I’ll be blogging at work thinking “remember when I was all busy and all?  Damn!”  I don’t like those days so much either because I don’t like to feel like I am ripping off my employer or, more to the point, the donors we ask for money from.  So perhaps I’ll work on getting back to gratitude for the day, whatever douchiness it might include.