Heard it from a friend who

Well, I’m fat y’all!

Yes, I’m fat y’all!

And I’m figgity fat

And I’m fat y’all!

Ok, not totally fat. A bit over my target weight perhaps, but not “fat” per se. For reasons that shall remain mine alone, I reserve the right to use the term “fat.” Ok, one of those reasons is that I used to be fat. I don’t even really want to know how big I got, but I did used to wear pants in a substantially higher decade than the ones I wear now. (True, there is a bit of denial in my waist band sizing at the moment. We’re getting to that.) You see, some people drink. I eat.

Not that I have a problem with eating. I’m more of a social eater who likes being social. Dammit, food is good, y’all. And I like it. But here’s the thing: I can’t eat it all the time or else I pack on the poundage. Shocking revelation, right? And what is so wrong with packing on the poundage? Nothing, really, except it means that I have that much more to carry along on the runs. Which up to this point in the year has not meant so much.

But now it is all about to change. I am intent on running the Shut In Trail Race. That’s a stupid thing to do, I know, but it is what I want to do. Doing so will be much easier if I am not lugging around an extra twenty or so pounds. Plus I’ve got some shirts I really want to be wearing again. Fortunately, there appears to be an app for what I want to do.

And you would think it would be relatively straight forward to find. Log my weight and my meals. Track my runs, and give me an evaluation. Sounds simple, right? Apparently not as simple as it sounds. I have found one which seems to be a pretty good run tracker. Guess what? Not so hot on the meal tracker. At least, it does not seem to be. We’ll find out for sure.