Hit the bricks pal


I’d like to post something up here right regularly, but in all honesty, I am a lazy man. Sure, there are plenty of times when I can overcome the lazy and get on with it, but other times I do succumb. The insidious thing about that is that, once into the lazy, it’s hard to get out. I thought I would ease out this morning by recording a video of the blessing of the new walkways at All Souls. That was not to be. Or rather, it was to be, but I was too lazy to tilt my hand by 90 degrees so that you could see the video in the proper perspective. At the risk of getting a crick in your neck, you can see the whole thing here.

Or I could tell you that the most significant thing about the sidewalks are not the sidewalks. The most significant thing is what is underneath a good portion of them. Concrete. That same portion is significantly wider, such that a ramp-equipped van can pull up to the Cathedral and discharge its passenger (OK, someone has to drive the van, at least for now) without landing the passenger, driver, or pedestrians in the mud. That’s significant when we are talking about being a more welcoming place. Also, too, things look better. I think its OK to want things to look better. Not like we need to show off, but at least that we have the self-respect to take care of our sidewalks.