I’m beat, yo!

Sorry to be so quiet lately, Sanuk-Dkateers, but it has been a HELL of a week. All of Monday was spent getting ready for Tuesday morning, which meant that Tuesday morning came and went without a hitch but when your work day starts at 6:45 that leaves a lot of time to kill when the real work is done. Wednesday the new old car blew a spark plug. No time for drama, though, because I had to be ready for Thursday lunch and talking to 350 of my closest friends.

Now believe it or not, talking in front of a group that size sounds like fun to me, and if that is your idea of fun then you don’t really get many opportunities to have fun, right? How many of us are Barack Obama really? Just one. Not me. So having an audience is a nice thing. And if I do say so myself, I killed. Or I was pretty good anyway. At least I was laughing. Anyway, whatever. Having fun will wear you out, yo. But, as Robert Earl Keen says, “The road goes on forever and you have a marathon to run on Sunday.”

Isn’t that how the song goes? I love that guy. Saw him at Be Here Now one time and everybody shouted “Robert Earl Keen! Robert Earl Keen!” which makes me think perhaps they were protesters in need of a new three word slogan. I wonder if Robert Earl will keep playing now that his line of footwear and accessories has become so popular? Dang those things are comfortable.

By the way, did I mention I am running a marathon on Sunday? Good thing I got some new shoes. Same model as I always get, except these ones are black. They would look good with the kilt, but I don’t think I will do that to Ace. And Pappy would definitely not know what to do with that. The cool thing was special ordering them from the running store which made me feel both VIP and retro. VIP because the specialty running store had a pair of shoes with my name on them right there in the store. Retro because who special orders stuff from a retail store when you could just get the same thing from Amazon? Buy local, yo!

I like to do that because the running store does nice things like sponsor races. I told them I would volunteer for the Turkey Trot. Are you running the Turkey Trot? You should do it because then you will feel justified in strapping on the feed bag. I will still be recovering from the marathon I mentioned earlier, which is on Sunday, so it will be a good time for me to go cheer on some other folks. Go other folks!

4 Replies to “I’m beat, yo!

  1. Wow, Sam Scoville would eat this post UP. Good luck with the marathon – you’re gonna kill it! (and if you wear the kilt, at the end you can say “I kilt it!”)

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