Ja, I love this country


Whatever you want to say about the Kingdom of Norway,you have to give them credit for picking one hell of a good looking prime minister. Seriously, check that guy out, all open collared and all. Makes our President, who is no dog himself, have to consider it it is not time for a little “Just for Men.” Of course, both men have had to deal with some tough times recently. Tragic in Norway. Just pathetic here. One wonders, though, if having a foxy Head of Government doesn’t make people grouchy.

I know that seeing a foxy runner has that effect. People were out to get D this morning. I had dragged myself kicking and screaming out to the street to get going in the first place. The route out was fine, although I’m sure some people were annoyed. Coming back in, one person took it a little wide on the corner but straightened up at the end. Then, someone else played that great game where you try to freak out a pedestrian with 3,000 pounds of sheet metal. Not funny, and the driver received my digital rating of his IQ. Probably not the best move.

Not to be outdone, a driver 1/4 mile down the road came to a complete stop as I approached on the side of the road. Sure, the driver may have been overcome by my foxiness. More likely she was young and inexperienced. Whatever the case, I think I will be running trails in the morning.