More TV More Drama

So the cable company wants to give me a great deal on additional services.  That’s great, but I’m not really using what I am paying for now.  We get the requisite 57 channels or whatever.  I’m sure we could get more, but I’m not convinced that there will be more on there for us to watch.  Problem number one is that there is way too much reality programming on these days.  Problem number two is that Tallulah is old enough to follow what’s going on on any given show but not really old enough to be following what’s going on on any given show.

Not that we’re prudes or anything, but have you seen some of these shows?  Which brings me back to my point about communication.  Communicating more effectively is not synonymous with communicating more.  For instance, one could have a twitter account, or two, or four, or make a whole thing out of making twitter accounts, and one could tweet, retweet, and retweet the retweets ad infinitum, right?  Right.  That doesn’t mean that a person is going to be heard.  In fact, it is possible that this person is going to be tuned out.

So I am not going to think that more TV means I will tune in more.  Sure, there are probably some things I could get into.  More likely, it’s the on-demand stuff that I will really be interested in.  I want what I want, not so much what the cable company wants to give me.  Sooner or later I’ll have to get more, but not today.