Not coming late to the festival

Want to know why I am not going to Moogfest?  Well, I’ll tell you why.  Because I just bought Tallulah and Nintendo DSi.  So there, Ghost of Robert Moog.  Plus my dad is coming to town and we’re gonna do family shit.  What?  And the dog keeps waking me up at 5 in the morning so I go to bed at 9:30 at night.  That’s right, dog, it’s the dog getting me up.  Plus I gets all nervous driving after dark sometimes, especially if it is, has been, or might be raining.  So you can see how my principles for local crap and all will be keeping me from the biggest thing to hit Asheville since the Great Depression preserved all of our architecture.

So yeah, it’s a little late for me to jump on the ex-post facto hate train.  Sure there will be an unstoppable mob of x-ed out Scandinavians clogging the streets of downtown (and by clogging I do not refer to the traditional mountain buck dance.)  If I were not broke, married and parental I’d be all over it unless “Coal Miner’s Daughter” were coming on TNT again.  Which it may be.  I’ll have to check on that.

But if it weren’t for all that, I’d probably be there.  More importantish is that there will be a lot of other people there.  People from places where artsy stuff happen.  People who have the chutzpacity to provide the over large number of creative people we have living here with opportunities to be creative while making a buck and living here.  The alternative is for these people to move away once there is money to be made somewhere because as long as everyone is broke you might as well be broke and living in Asheville but if not everyone is broke then why would you persist in being broke just to be here?  The point is that people are going to hate on anything that is convenient and since Moogfest is all over the place, it’s pretty convenient to be hated upon.  Just be careful who and what you hate on because the fest you hate may just be your own meal ticket.

2 Replies to “Not coming late to the festival

  1. Amen, brother. Oh, I’m going and it”s gonna be spectacular(Devo or not) but I hear ya loud and clear on the haters…

    1. Also, too I am not as up on the genre being presented as some. For those who know the music better, I think they would testify that it is a wicked line up. Now if someone needed me to spell them for a portion of the event …

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