Shine big and bright


That would be Venus and Jupiter right there, together. Venus is the brighter one, although Jupiter is the bigger one. Jupiter is, of course, farther away from both the Earth and the Sun. I doubt its distance from the sun makes it any less bright, but surely its distance from us makes us perceive it as dimmer.

So how did those Greeks figure out that Jupiter was the King and name the planet for him? They did not have telescopes or anything like that. They did not have Thomas Jefferson and they figured out democracy.  “Democracy” actually from the Greek words for “people” and “rule.” But you knew that because you were smart enough to be reading this blog to begin with.

Do you feel grateful to be so smart? That’s because Jupiter and Venus are together in Taurus. “Sensual Taurus” according to I’m not so sure about that, because I have driven a Taurus and I’m not sure I would describe the experience as “sensual.” Then again, maybe Venus and Jupiter rented a Taurus SHO. I have heard those things can be pretty nice.