Tramps like us

Sometimes all you want is a simple futball jersey.  And maybe a grilled veggie sub.  Plus some gas.  And possibly a new cell phone.   Except cell phones are expensive and all the new ones come with costly data plans and what you REALLY want is an iPhone 4 but you definitely don’t want their network.  So what is a man about town to do with that part of the proceeds from the sale of his old but good road bike which he will not be using to cover upcoming marathon expenses?  Take ’em over to East Altamont, of course, where there is a mall.

Just as I never, ever blog at work, I never, ever go to the mall.  Except when I’m desperately in need of something like an authentic Clint Dempsey #8 US National Soccer Team away jersey (the blue one with the white stripe.)  That’s something you can desperately need, right?  So of I went for a lunchtime retail experience like I had been dreaming of some weeks ago.  A funny thing happened on the way to the agora, however.  Like Moses descending Mt. Sinai with engraved tablets, the sign at Black Dome Mountain Sports reminded me about the Vibram Five Fingers.

After the Samsonite of hurt which will be the Grandfather Mountain Marathon, I will need something new, something fresh to add to my running.  Barefoot is all the rage these days, but the hazards of rocks and glass do make me wary of taking it up.  Thank goodness there is this new fangled slab of rubber you can strap on to the bottom of your foot.  So long Landon Donovan, hello Caballo Blanco!  As I say goodbye to the wheels that carried me for over ten years, I’m glad to say hello to a new extension of the sport I love.  Say hi!

Oh hai!