Wednesday Morning Coming Down

So as far as I was concerned, it was another quiet Sunday morning.  I was doing the usual, watching fishing shows and practicing self-massage (on my calves, people, on my calves) when an electronic message came to me from another network user.  I opened my “electronic mail” to see a request for information regarding a service provider.  Don’t know about you, but from where I set this whole “world wide web” thing just seems a little bit shaky.  Add to that the fact that I had not yet donned my tin foil hat that morning, so I decided to tell the network user not to pursue services from that particular provider and to ring me on my mobile for more information.

Now, though the power of microprocessing, let us move forward in time to yesterday, which was tomorrow on Tuesday.  I was one of several recipients of an electronic message from the service provider asking for input on a response to the network user’s request for possible servicing.  “WTF?” I thought to myself (which is “web speak” for “who’s this fool?”)  See, I once provided services through the provider and stopped doing that because it made my tin foil hat tight.  Why should I want to go back to a tight hat situation?  Furthermore, and in addition, why did the network user request my opinion only to ignore it?  Who’s that fool?

Obviously, if this situation were a person on la Face and I were connected to it, our relationship status would be “complicated.”  And let me tell you this, I am perfectly capable of generating all the anxiety I need naturally.  I do not need artificial sources, such as this situation.  Fortunately, my supervisor likes to wear his tin foil hat loosely.  When mine gets to tight, he understands that I have to go down the road to Club Dub and get it loosened up.  This I did, and returned refreshed and grateful for my current circumstances vis-a-vis the past.  This coming Sunday, I don’t think I will read my electronic messages until the fishing show is over.