What goes around

Earlier, we were talking about Norah Jones. She’s Ravi Shankar’s daughter, don’t you know. I did not know until recently. That’s all my Sweet Lady knew about her, until recently. I can’t say that either of us has significantly increased our Norah Jonesology since these revelations. Not the point. We were talking about how the lovely and talented Norah Jones is, on fact, both lovely and talented. To wit: the video above. Later on, we got talking about Ennio Morricone. Not that this discussion lasted all that long, but the Editor mentioned that he has been into him recently. I’m the one that brought up the discussion of correct pronunciation. Is it “cone” or “conee”? I don’t know, but since I have struggled with such words as “focaccia” and “crudite,” I don’t think I’m the best arbiter of proper pronunciation. I am, however, a conneseiur of fine Italian music, including but not limited to the soundtracks of spaghetti westerns. Or western spaghetti, if we are in an Italian restaurant, which we were later in the evening. On the radio (or the Pandora, or whatevs) came the Black Keys with Jack White. At first I was drawn to what the Black Keys were doing, but then that voice came through, and it all came full circle (despite the fact that my calzone was a semi-circle.) Jack White. Norah Jones. Ennio Morricone. “Rome,” the great album by DJ Dangermouse and Daniel Luppi. If you give it long enough, it all comes together.