You’ve been finding more faults than Carter’s got liver pills.

I did not watch the Republican Convention. I ran every day during the RNC. I did not run a marathon. I have not run yet this week. I am watching the Democratic National Committee. What I see are governors who clearly don’t translate to the national stage. They will beat up on Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as much and perhaps as unfairly as Republicans beat up on Barak Obama and Joe Bidden. Hey, look! There went a very, very suspect scriptural reference. At the DNC.

So yes, there is BS on both sides and this is the week for my BS. Still, we won’t be hearing the truth this week. Not the whole truth anyway. Both Democrats and Republicans talk about how they will restore America to the prosperity and prominence we once held in the world. The truth is, that will never happen. I’m not hating on America, the American worker, American innovation, or American values. The world is just different now. Its not 1950 anymore.

My generation will be the first to have a standard of living lower than that of my parents. I can be pissed about that. I can be cynical about that. What I don’t want to be is lied to about that. Until we get honest about what the future holds, we will not be able to plan for how we will meet it. Once we stop trying to crush all the competition at everything, however, we can start talking about how to be the best we can be at those things we are best at. One of those things is, in my humble opinion, building communities that build up all of our neighbors. Can we get to that?

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