Shabbat Shalom

I can be lazy for days. Weeks at a time even. There was one summer when I showed up to work for a month but did not really do anything. I know people who pull that off for years. Unfortunately there is enough Scot in me to make the guilt of such an experience unbearable over the long term.

In the short term, however, a little bit of lazy goes a long way. See, things are humming right along at the moment in a good way. Lotsa to do, and plenty if good vibes from the bossman. But I know that there is only so long that I can maintain a given pace, not to mention the increasing demands on my family. A little sabbath could go a long way.

That’s what makes me jealous of the Jews some days. They get their sabbath at the first part of the weekend and then get Sunday. Since most everyone else has Sunday shabbos, they get another quiet day too. Why do you think the New York Sunday Times is so big?

I’d love an excuse to not roll on Saturdays. Go to service Friday night. Take it easy Saturday and Sunday. Be back at it on Monday. That sounds pretty good. I’m not sure I’d ever get used to reading from right to left though.

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